Living far away from the place i had born,from the people i am related, it’s
been a tough time for me all these three years!But 2nd September 2009
has been the worst days of all.
Andhra Pradesh and India lost a great leader Mr. Yeduguri Sandinti
Rajasekhara Reddy
fondly called as “YSR”.
First it was the Chopper he was traveling in was missing since the morning
of sep 2nd and after 24 hrs of intense search operation in the dense forest of
nallamala, burnt bodies of all the five members was what the army could find!
Irrespective of the political parties all paid tribute to this people’s leader!
May his soul rest in peace!!!

Lakhs of people bid a tearful farewell to charismatic Andhra Pradesh Chief
Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy