Category: voice

ar rahman
image by my friend shailesh

I can’t  remember the day(i was only 8 then),but it was in March 1992 the first time i heard
the track Roja Janeman (of course in Telugu) on Radio! it instantly gave me goose bumps,
was it because it was the first time ever in my life that a song caught me instantly?i was too
young to think about raga’s or the so called classical music.Music those days were only on
cassettes and i could not even afford to buy one and my parents were least interested about
music comes the real drama – on my way to school,located a few lanes from my
house there used to be several hoardings and stickers of various new movies playing at theaters
in my city.i used to stare at them each day to see if i could find a picture of the genius who scored
music for that song,much to my disappointment i could not find a picture but got the name
of him – A R RAHMAN.

Few days later my cousins were talking about a movie they watched last night,it was ROJA.What
i heard from them was that the movie was a masterpiece and the music is excellent,But much to my
surprise Choti si Asha became more popular.i asked if they could take me to the movie with
them, they said that their pocket money is over! Disappointed and frustrated, i kept on thinking of
this song which was giving me sleepless nights.
Days,months and years passed by and i was in my 6th Standard,heard my parents talking about a
film that is making a lot of controversies called BOMBAY.I was too young to understand the
controversies related to it,but this time i was lucky enough to get an original audio cassette of the
film which i actually borrowed from my uncle.I started playing the tracks on my 5 year old Panasonic
cassette player and there comes the magic of Rahman!! i was awestruck and could not believe my
ears..a soothing flute theme that was making my mind fill with energy and happiness – BOMBAY 
THEME( this remains my all-time favorite).That is exactly when i became a fan of ARR.

                                                                   to be continued……..                         

Google Voice

Whoohoo!! I have got an invitation to try the new voice service from Google called
as Google Voice
Google has been coming up with so many great products that even the major giants
in the market like Microsoft could not think of!!

Google Voice is a free Internet service that uses VoIP technology to link phone numbers together.
Grand Central was re-launched as Google Voice on March 11, 2009 with new features, including
\voicemail transcriptions and SMS managing. Users of Google Voice are able to select a single U.S.
phone number, from various area codes. When a Google Number is called, any or all of the user’s
phones may be set to ring. Which phone(s) ring can be set based on the calling number, based on
contact group, and/or based on time of day. The service includes various additional features, like
centralized voicemail and indexable, automated voicemail transcription, accessible by PC or phone.
Coming to the mobile version of it  Google made apps for Android, iPhone and Blackberry.But apple rejected the Google voice app claiming that it obstructs their principles.Though an user of iPhone, one
reason why i hate the apple is it’s policies.Though apple claims that actually it was at&t  that
wanted to remove the app from the app store showing it violates the exclusivity policy of at&t.
Jail-breaking is the best thing i have ever done in my life.GV Mobile-an Cydia app that replaces the
official Google voice app on iPhone has the same functionality.Just get on to cydia and search for
GV Mobile!!
Enjoy using Google Voice and if u don’t have one try to get an invitation a HERE