Category: heart

Love Actually.

With Valentine’s day round the corner,my brain was filled with several questions about  LOVE like

  • What is love actually?
  • Does love ask for selfishness/sacrifice?
  • Am i truly in love with the person whom i think i am in love with?

Looking for the answers,the first thing that came to my mind was to watch some romantic-love story movies.
So, i started with my first question – What is love actually?
What’s better than watching a movie with the same title –“LOVE ACTUALLY”.
Few minutes in to the movie i realized that i already saw this movie but not with these set of actors.It was so tiring job to watch several couples with their share of problems in a single movie.
It took me few hours to recollect that the movie was Salaam-e-Ishq.It was almost a rip-off of Love Actually but was horribly made with a length of almost 216 min’s,can you believe that ?
This made me to reconsider my idea of watching a movie to understand what love actually is.
So i dropped that idea and got to work,but the questions are still haunting me.
Hope i find these answers in coming days…
Wish you all a Happy Valentines Day.

Ok folks,here i am again after a week long hibernation…ooops! vacation!!
Had a great weekend with friends at Vegas and Grand Canyon.Though it was my second visit to Vegas,this city never stops to fascinate you.I had 3 full days(actually nights) to spend at Vegas and wish i had more time (not to loose more money) to enjoy!.Still can’t forget the money i lost in poker,the thrill of the rides at Stratosphere,the fountain show at The Bellagio and The Volcano eruption at The Mirage!
 Vegas Sky lineFun at Vegas  
While checking out from the hotel, a middle aged couple got on to the lift along with us and the lady started pressing all the buttons in the lift starting from Floor 23 to 1, the husband tried to stop her by saying “everyone on the lift are going to kick you out!”.She replied ”i don’t want to leave Vegas and i am ready  get my self kicked out rather than leaving Vegas!”
That’s the magic of Vegas!!
What i like in this city is the never ending night life,especially the fully packed night clubs and what i hate is the people standing on the streets distributing the “Girls to your room” pamphlets to everyone including kids!
It was last December when i visited Grand canyon and i was disappointed to see it covered with snow!This time i was quite happy to see it with out any snow.It once again proves that  whatever architectural wonders human develop ,cannot beat the Nature’s own Architectural skills!!
Grand canyon Lipian Point grand canyon

Grand canyon

By the way Firefox has turned 5,Take some time to wish the best browser ever a very Happy Birthday!!  HERE


Miss those doodles in a boring lecture,

Love the moment getting caught drawing our fat,bald chemistry professor,

Still remember the love letters i practiced,

Can still smile to the jokes we shared,

Can’t forget the weird poems i wrote,

You were the one who made it all – “Beloved last page of my notebook”.

Thank you for being with me for so long,sharing my feelings!

ar rahman
image by my friend shailesh

I can’t  remember the day(i was only 8 then),but it was in March 1992 the first time i heard
the track Roja Janeman (of course in Telugu) on Radio! it instantly gave me goose bumps,
was it because it was the first time ever in my life that a song caught me instantly?i was too
young to think about raga’s or the so called classical music.Music those days were only on
cassettes and i could not even afford to buy one and my parents were least interested about
music comes the real drama – on my way to school,located a few lanes from my
house there used to be several hoardings and stickers of various new movies playing at theaters
in my city.i used to stare at them each day to see if i could find a picture of the genius who scored
music for that song,much to my disappointment i could not find a picture but got the name
of him – A R RAHMAN.

Few days later my cousins were talking about a movie they watched last night,it was ROJA.What
i heard from them was that the movie was a masterpiece and the music is excellent,But much to my
surprise Choti si Asha became more popular.i asked if they could take me to the movie with
them, they said that their pocket money is over! Disappointed and frustrated, i kept on thinking of
this song which was giving me sleepless nights.
Days,months and years passed by and i was in my 6th Standard,heard my parents talking about a
film that is making a lot of controversies called BOMBAY.I was too young to understand the
controversies related to it,but this time i was lucky enough to get an original audio cassette of the
film which i actually borrowed from my uncle.I started playing the tracks on my 5 year old Panasonic
cassette player and there comes the magic of Rahman!! i was awestruck and could not believe my
ears..a soothing flute theme that was making my mind fill with energy and happiness – BOMBAY 
THEME( this remains my all-time favorite).That is exactly when i became a fan of ARR.

                                                                   to be continued……..                         

Dance in my heart

Actually, the credit for this should go to my orkut friend Maria from Brazil!
i liked a snap she took of a dancing lady! and used it as an reference!
i wished i drew it better than the snap!!but could not!!