Category: blogging

Ever tried googling your name?
I know the answer…Yes!
I do it frequently too.
In 2005 when i used to google my name as a key word,i was expecting some where or the other i could find something that’s related to me on these millions of pages of web( look how dumb i was,without a web page or any major profile of me on the web how could i find me?)

But my search has’nt ended there.
Years passed by and i have so many profiles on web with all the social networking sites and  google search almost showed each one of them when i searched with my name.
I have a screenshot of my previous Youtube channel that got pulled down for infringement (That’s quite a big and irrelevant story for now) here.This channel was quite popular too when it was up.

Check out the Stats.(Click to enlarge)

Now i have my Blog on the top of google search with my name as a query
Coming to the actual point why i am talking about this is…
Imagine if you could find a Dream Job Through Google Search? Yes It’s true!
Check out the complete story..

Meet Alec Brownstein, senior copywriter at creative advertising shop Young & Rubicam (Y&R) New York. Last summer, Alec was just another tired, 28-year-old copywriter at a large international ad agency who wanted nothing more than to work at “a really creative shop for really creative [creative directors].”
While Googling his favorite creative directors last summer, Brownstein noticed that there were no sponsored links attached to their names. Since Brownstein Googles himself “embarassingly frequently,” he assumed that the creative directors did so as well, and thus he decided to purchase their names on Google AdWords.
“Everybody Googles themselves,” Brownstein explained. “Even if they don’t admit it. I wanted to invade that secret, egotistical moment when [the creative directors I admired] were most vulnerable.”

Since Brownstein was the only person bidding on the names of the five creative directors he most admired, he was able to get the top search spots for a mere 15 cents per click. Whenever someone ran a search for one of the creative directors’ names, the following message appeared at the top of the page: “Hey, [creative director’s name]: Goooogling [sic] yourself is a lot of fun. Hiring me is fun, too” with a link to Brownstein’s website,
Over the next couple of months, Brownstein received calls from all but one of the creative directors whose names he had purchased. And finally, at the end of the year, he received a job offer from two: Scott Virtrone and Ian Reichenthal of Y&R New York.
The whole campaign cost him $6.
But the rewards for Brownstein’s creativity haven’t ended there. He has also received awards in the self-promotion category at two major advertising awards shows, The One Show and The Clios.
We asked Brownstein if he has any advice for others trying to land their dream jobs via Internet marketing. “Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there in an interesting way,” he said. “The people who you want to work for can’t hire you any less than they already are. So shoot for the moon.”
We couldn’t agree more with his advice. What do you think of Brownstein’s story? Have you or anyone you know used online marketing to land yourself a job?
Yeah! let’s give it a try.
That’s all folks…For now.

Courtesy : MASHABLE


Miss those doodles in a boring lecture,

Love the moment getting caught drawing our fat,bald chemistry professor,

Still remember the love letters i practiced,

Can still smile to the jokes we shared,

Can’t forget the weird poems i wrote,

You were the one who made it all – “Beloved last page of my notebook”.

Thank you for being with me for so long,sharing my feelings!

Back Again..

I am back
Has been real busy for the past 20 days,actually i took an intended break from blogging!!
yes, you read it right.
Creative writing was too difficult a job for i went back to reading some stuff about it…and now that i have gained some confidence to get back at blogging,i have decided to blog seriously and regularly..
Hope everything goes on smoothly….i.e., i don’t keep on eating your brains LoL!