Mayor Bob Wasserman
Like always,bored to go for work i started the day lazily and expected my day to be like my mood(real bad!).
I was asking a lady and gentleman sitting at the restaurant where i work if the food was good,the gentleman replied he loved the food and he has been eating Indian food for almost 20-25 years and he loved the food very much.So,i asked if he lived in Fremont ( place i am located ),The lady interrupted and said “ He is the mayor of Fremont”
Was i dreaming? I am so ignorant that i even couldn’t recognize the mayor of my city.Crying
There has been a talk among us for half an hour about local developments and he was quite friendly to give his Business card,i was quite surprised how down to earth he was! The lady (Irene Koehler) was sweet enough to take a picture of me along with mayor!!
What surprised me was there are no body guards or the so called security measures like in India to them..Why is it so ??
Signing Off..
Andy Wave